Visit our Donation Page 



Please ask anyone who is making a donation to make their checks out to Bay-CSS, and please note the Team Name on the memo line so your Team can be given credit for the donation.

Bay Community Support Services
Attn: Stephanie Raines

25410 Rosedale Manor Lane
Hollywood MD 20636
(Inside Greenwell State Park)

Your donors can donate to your Team by credit card by visiting our walk, run, & roll 
donation page. Please ask your donors to note your Team Name for the donation reason so your Team can be given credit for the donation.



To Donate: Please include "WRR Donation" in Donation Reason

To Pledge: Please include "WRR Pledge" and who you are pledging for 

For Team Donation: Please include "WRR (Include Team Name) Donation" in Donation Reason

 We are so excited for our Annual Walk, Run, & Roll! 
You can help support the Annual Bay-CSS Walk, Run & Roll by creating your own  Walk, Run, & Roll Team! Teams can any group of people you'd like, so ask your family and friends, and co-workers! Your Team works together to raise funds before the event, and enjoy the race together the day of. The largest and top-earning teams will win great gifts and prizes (to be announced).

How to get started

  1. Create your Team - Gather your friends, family, neighbors, running club or coworkers to create your Team.

  2. Choose your Team Name - Get Creative! We can't wait to hear what you come up with! 

  3. Register -Click here to register online. Please enter your Team Name in the registration form **IMPORTANT: EVERY MEMBER OF THE TEAM WILL NEED TO REGISTER SEPARATELY AND PAY THE REGISTRATION FEE**If you are registering a family member (Spouse, Child, Etc) you may add them to your registration, as the waiver can only be applied to yourself and immediate family. Thank you for understanding.  Please contact Stephanie Raines at (240) 309-4046, ext. 316 with any questions.                                                          
  4. Work as a Team to Raise Funds -  Raise as much as you can for your team!! Every dollar is supporting individuals with disabilities! Hold a bake sale, car wash, dinner or other small events, and reach out to friends, neighbors, and/or acquaintances to request pledges or donations (Even ask your company to Sponsor your team in the Walk, Run & Roll).  Please submit a check or make a PayPal donation for the amount your team raised by Monday, April 22nd by 5pm to be considered for the Team Contest. The Team prizes will be awarded to the winning Team the day of the event.
disability services, services for people with disabilities, health services, health services company